About us


On completing 35 years, we have reached a major milestone on our journey. We have brought into focus the importance of education for girl children, hailing mainly from minority and backward sections of society.

What began as a small school, has today grown to become the Excellence Knowledge City for Girls — a majestic set of buildings with a sprawling campus and facilities for extra-curricular activities. We now offer mainstream education to nearly 2000 girls, from school through college. Our fine institution, which stands out as a landmark in Sikar, is completely secular. It is open to all girls, irrespective of religion, caste and community.

Through this website, we take you on a short tour of Excellence Knowledge City for Girls.

The fundamental purpose of Excellence is learning, not teaching. Here, you learn how to learn.

Wahid Chowhan



When we founded the school, our vision was not restricted to our institution alone. We wanted to make an impact on society and bring about a positive change in the way parents viewed education for their daughters. It had to become a priority. As this movement gathered momentum, we must acknowledge the efforts of other schools that followed our footsteps, some who converted their madrasas into proper schools and others who opened new schools for girls. The result is there for all to see and celebrate.

Today, thousands of girl children in Sikar, and in the whole Shekhawati region, go to schools and colleges to avail mainstream education. A dream that seemed too big to many, and impossible to some, has come to fruition. We are proud to have been the “agents of this change.”

Discover the transformative journey of Excellence Knowledge City, from a visionary dream to a beacon of empowerment. Witness the ripple effect of our commitment to girls' education, igniting a region-wide movement towards inclusivity and progress.

Join us for a bright career

Embark on a journey towards a radiant future with us, where every opportunity awaits to shape your path to success.